在韦德娱乐app下载地址学校, 我们的宿舍父母是我们社区不可或缺的成员, dedicated to providing a nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, 社会, 情感上和个人上. 宿舍家长住在校园里, 提供支持, 指导, 以及传统学术日之外的监督. 他们确保我们学生的健康和安全, 培养归属感, 作为导师和榜样. 从创造结构到提供情感支持, dorm parents play a pivotal role in shaping our students' boarding school experience.
Being a boarding student at Solebury is more than just attending classes; it's about embracing a unique lifestyle that promotes independence, 责任, 和经济增长. Living on campus allows students to immerse themselves fully in a diverse and inclusive community, 在那里建立友谊,留下一生的回忆. Boarding students benefit from a structured environment that encour年龄s academic achievement, 个人发展, 文化交流. They learn essential life skills, build resilience, and form bonds that extend beyond graduation.
无论远近, 我们的寄宿学生在索伯里找到了第二个家, where they receive unparalleled support from caring 工作人员 and fellow students alike. We invite you to explore our vibrant community and discover why boarding at Solebury is an enriching experience like no other.
Solebury's 100 boarding students thrive in the structure that boarding life provides. 夜间自习室, 活动, and lights out to ensure a good night's sleep all contribute to an environment where students can develop the discipline and healthy habits that lead to long term success. The most significant part of the boarding experience for students is the lifelong friendships they form with one another. 他们共同度过的时光的回忆, 他们一起成熟,一起成长, 会是他们永远珍惜的东西吗.
索伯里拥有各种各样的宿舍, 每间都有独特的大小,但都统一配备了齐全的厨房, Wi-Fi上网, 洗衣设施, 为寄宿生提供了宽敞的工作和休闲空间. 所有的老师, 尤其是宿舍的家长, 学生是否可以随时提供额外的论文帮助, 花一个下午烤饼干, 或者开着一车孩子去远足, 或者去看电影, 当地苹果园, 或者去纽约玩一天.
在韦德娱乐app下载地址学校, weekends are a vibrant tapestry of 活动 that infuse our campus with energy and excitement. 寄宿学生和走读学生在周末聚在一起建立联系, 体验新的冒险, and create lasting memories through a comprehensive range of 活动 offered at no additional cost. 我们的周末冒险活动迎合了不同的兴趣, from thrilling trips to nearby New York City and Philadelphia to serene hikes in the beautiful surrounding landscapes of Bucks County and beyond. 学生们可以在晚上的篝火中放松, 参加文化活动, 开始一场匹克球比赛, 或者潜入各种创意工作室.
周末活动总监:Peter Martino
当你在这里的时候,你会觉得像在家里一样. 我喜欢索莱伯里的这一点.
See how boarding and day students connect organically and easily at 韦德娱乐app下载地址.
索莱伯里学校位于巴克斯县, PA enables us to visit many of the attractions of the northeast while enjoying the quiet, 安全, 还有一个140英亩的乡村校园. We're an hour from Philadelphia and the New Jersey beaches and an hour and a half from New York City and the Pocono Mountains. Our immediate area boasts wonderful outdoor activity options as well as the malls and multiplexes students love just a short van ride away.
Our evening 活动 at Solebury are designed to bring boarders together in a fun and engaging way. From celebrating birthdays and hosting friendly competitions to exploring creative projects, 这些活动为学生提供了交流的机会, 合作, 和放松. 几个星期, 我们的晚间活动是强制性的, ensuring that all boarders participate and benefit from the enriching experiences we offer. 由我们的专职校园工作人员领导, these events foster a sense of community and ensure that every week is filled with excitement and camaraderie.
In our close-knit community, students enjoy the freedom to express themselves in various ways. With this freedom comes the 责任 to be mindful of and respect others. 而索伯里没有强制着装要求, 我们相信每个学生都会为学校精心挑选服装, 学校活动, 在餐厅用餐. The school may ask students to change their attire if it is deemed necessary to maintain a respectful and appropriate environment. This ensures that all students' clothing choices align with the community's values and expectations while still allowing for personal expression.
周日至周四晚上7:45 - 9:00的时间被指定为学习时间. All new boarding students begin in a proctored study hall and can earn "Room Study" privileges by maintaining good grades and demonstrating responsible behavior. Each proctored study hall is man年龄d by an adult and each dorm is supervised by a dorm parent during the designated study hall time.